“Children Hunger and Education is not an issue of Charity. It is an issue of their Rights and Justice”.
[As you navigate our website, you will develop a sense of who we are, how we work and gain an appreciation of our passion for excellence in working for humanity, hunger, education and prosperity for the humanity.]
Trinity Foundation(TF) is a registered Charity organization started in the year 2010 in India and subsequently registered as charity company limited by Guarantee through its registered Charity Number 12502077 at the Registrar of England and Wales, United Kingdom(UK).
The organization is involved in innovative and creative services and lasting solution to face and cater the widespread uneducated children, orphan children, trafficking and rescued children, children from brothel mainly girls, as well as the consequent deformities leading to pathetic socioeconomic fallout for those who needs our attention, care and love. As a first point of service, the organization is running hunger free classrooms in countering malnutrition by providing fresh and nutritious meals(balanced diet) and supporting the right to education emphasizing computer, technology and vocational based educational eco system. We maintain highest degree of dignity, morality and humanity in our services to serve all regardless of any religion, race, skin, country, ethnicity and gender.
We encourage highly motivated, enthusiastic, passionate educated young women and men to our organization to serve as their vocation and professional attainment. Their innovation, creativity and zeal combined with the organization resources is going a long way to bring hunger free classrooms and a giant leap in brining lasting change to the targeted group for poverty free life with benchmark index of peace, prosperity and happiness.
Our Mission:
To create lasting solution to education problem, children negligence and social justice.Our Vision:
As a charity and socio-educational development organization:We take action for children and youth girls in need of care, compassion, education and protection.
We respect all and we work in communities where our mission can contribute to holistic development.
We will always be pioneering socio educational development institution to build hunger & poverty-free, gender-balanced, equitable, justice and value- based inclusive society. It creates freedom of choice to the beneficiaries, targeted group and community to determine and develop the meaning of their lives, their identities and their life styles for the well-being, happiness, peace and prosperity of their life.